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Our Services

Enriching the lives of people with developmental disabilities.

Mountain Lake Services serves the People of Essex County, NY, the second largest county in New York State. Mountain Lake Services is one of Essex County's largest employers.
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Mountain Lake Services!

Mountain Lake Services is one of Essex County's largest employers, with Essex County being the second largest county in New York State.
What Sets Us Apart

Home Based Supports and Services

A variety of services offered in community settings provide support to families and individuals in order to create and maintain independence and improve quality of life.
Frequently Asked Questions

You have a question? We have an answer.

Let's Define Developmental Disabilities

Also called intellectual disabilities - are characterized by significant impairments in intellectual skills and in daily living skills. Developmental disabilities can be present at birth or have an onset during childhood.

The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is a leading professional organization dedicated to supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They offer comprehensive information about the definition of intellectual disabilities.

Developmental Disabilities can have many causes, including genetic or environmental causes, diseases, or, in rare instances, birth trauma or traumatic brain injury early in life. For some developmental disabilities the causes are not yet well understood.

Who oversees developmental disabilities services in New York?
Services for people with developmental disabilities in New York are coordinated by the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). New York State has specific criteria for determining if an individual is eligible to receive services for a developmental disability. Refer to their Eligibility for OPWDD Services - Important Facts for more detailed information.
What is Mountain Lake Services?
Mountain Lake Services provides services for people with developmental disabilities in Essex County, NY. We have regulatory oversight from OPWDD but we are a private, not-for-profit organization. We are a chapter of NYSARC, a statewide organization founded by family members of people with developmental disabilities. We have a strong value for family connections, and our agency is overseen by a Board of Directors that includes individuals with developmental disabilities and family members.

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